About the coaches
How do I select a coach?
Log in to the website and go to the coach page. Watch the coaches' videos and once you know which coach you would like to work with, you can request a coach by clicking on "send coaching request" at the bottom of the video. Afterwards you will receive an e-mail with the coach's information.
There seems to be a problem with some of the videos of coaches?
Some of the videos are not available on the mobile version of the website. We recommend you to watch the videos via a laptop or PC.
The coach I want is far away, can I join the sessions online?
We strongly advise you to have the sessions with your coaches face-to-face, because we believe this leads to better understanding and makes the coaching more effective. Travelling to and back from your sessions also gives you time to start the session with attention and reflect afterwards.
Can I switch coaches during the program?
If you don’t feel a connection with your coach after the first (intake) session, please contact us as soon as possible. Send an email to: phd@matchyourfuture.nl.
About the program
What does the program entail?
The program consists of 5 coaching sessions spread over an 8-month period. Click here to read more about what the program entails.
When can I register for the program?
You can register for the program as soon as you receive an email invite. Click here to read more about the application process.
How do I register for the program?
You can register for the program by filling out our registration form. Click here to go to the registration form.
Why choose coaching?
As a PhD candidate you’re not only experiencing your PhD trajectory, but you are also growing as a person and as a researcher. This growth may lead to questions such as ‘How do I make the right decisions for my career?’, ‘What are my plans for after my PhD?’, ‘Where do I see myself in 5 years?’ Coaching will help you to get the best out of yourself. Click here to read more.
Who can join the program?
Click here to find more information about who can join the program.
I didn’t receive an invitation, what now?
You might still be eligible to join the program. Please check the criteria for eligibility here. If you have further questions you can always send an email to phd@matchyourfuture.nl.
I am not a PhD candidate, can I join the program?
Currently we only offer this coaching program to PhD candidates employed by Erasmus MC.
Can I get in contact with PhD candidates who already participated in the program?
Due to privacy reasons we cannot bring you in contact with PhD candidates who already finished the program.
I'm concerned about being placed in the control group. I'd like to start the program sooner rather than waiting until next year.
Unfortunately, we do not have control over the group assignment process. Registrations are randomly assigned to either the intervention group or the control group. If you are assigned to the control group, you will need to wait until Q3 of 2025 to begin the program.
I would like to register for the program, but I do not want to participate in the research.
Participating in the research is optional. However, your participation in the research is pivotal for assessing coaching effectiveness and determining the future of our program. By sharing your valuable insights and experiences, you actively contribute to help us understand the effects of coaching.
General questions
What happens with my personal data?
All data, both for registration with MATCH and for participation in the study, will be kept confidential and is stored safely. We need your personal data for the link to the coach and the administrative process. Click here to read our privacy statement.
Can I book more sessions?
Unfortunately, this is not possible within the scope of the program, however after you finished the coaching program you can a book an extra session with the coach at your own costs.
Where can I leave feedback?
We love to hear from you! You can send your feedback to us at phd@matchyourfuture.nl.
The start and end dates on my profile are showing today's date. How can I change this?
Due to a bug in the system, the current date is appearing in your profile instead of the dates you submitted in the registration form. You can ignore this, as the dates you provided earlier are correctly registered in our system.
Contact details
Is the answer to your question not listed in the FAQ’s above? Then send an email to phd@matchyourfuture.nl.